Our Fiesty Indian Aunty, who is also a Feisty Indian Mother, reflects on Never Have I Ever and why watching it was a particularly moving experience for her.
Netflix's first holiday offering is lazy, predictable, and rammed so full of rom-com clichés that it is utterly exhausting. Holidate is a mind-numbing dud.
Maisie Richardson-Sellers: "My first movie crush? Angelina Jolie. First and last and forever."
Joey King: "Elle and I are pretty similar in a lot of ways."
Look kids, it's the sequel to The Kissing Booth that we all knew was coming. It's the deeper, darker, Empire Strikes Back-ish second movie... oh, who am I kidding?
What better way to rekindle a dying relationship than to immerse yourself in a criminal conspiracy?
The Wrong Missy, a "comedy" that's premised on sending the right text to the wrong person, is profoundly dull and deeply unfunny.
Never Have I Ever is the sweet bingeable treat you were looking for this quarantine season.
Netflix's new romantic comedy, manages to single-handedly ruin love for everyone involved.
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